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Omaha, Nebraska


Canyons Development focuses on connecting to the surrounding neighborhoods, people, and history of its site. The implementation of the streetcar is pushing for development along the Farnam Street corridor. 


The site’s history along with the surrounding area has been mostly wiped out due to the tearing down of buildings for new developments, a major one being the interstate in the 50s and 60s and more recently mutual of Omaha’s purchasing of land. The goal is to preserve the buildings that remain, as well as implement materials that reflect on the history at and near the site, all while connecting the surrounding communities. 

Reflecting on the history near the site, Jobbers Canyon was a transit hub northeast of the site in the late 19th century to early 20th century. It began in the 1870s and was known as the “Gateway to the West” with warehouses, grocers, and other dry goods. It was then torn down in 1989 and known as one of the biggest historical losses in the state. 

The historic streetcar path ran along Farnam Street beginning in 1868 and lasting 87 years until being derailed in 1955. The Twin Towers condos are the only remaining building on the site. Its rich history is reflected in the materiality of the development. 

The Site 

During site analysis, I noticed the need for a safer and more efficient pedestrian path to and through the site. The primary path extends from Turner Park across the site to the proposed cap and from the north of the site across the existing alley way in the dead space. The primary goal for this path is to create a pedestrian-safe zone while connecting the surrounding neighborhoods despite heavy traffic. 

The placement of the buildings revolves around this path. The streetscape as well as the areas between the buildings will have better lighting systems as well as different works of art. The density of the buildings will also allow more eyes on the streets and within these paths of travel, creating a safer, more vibrant space. I am also proposing a streetcar stop that will help promote this path as well as bring people into the central retail hub. 


Omaha wants more multifamily units in the coming years, so 270 housing units are being proposed. With the decline of the office real estate market, floor plates are smaller than average. As a society, we are requiring less space as people are turning to remote working options. 

The retail hub in the program breakdown reflects Jobbers Canyon, a historic workplace and mercantile space. This development will create job spaces, job opportunities, and provide mercantile spaces to attract people and become a revenue generating source in the community. 

The north and south sides serve as two of the major entrances to the pedestrian path. The north entrance serves as a drop-off point for those who work in the office space. The south entrance serves as a waiting area near the proposed streetcar stop. 


The materiality of the buildings reflects the history and change on the site. The original Twin Towers Condos were originally brick, and over time have been changed to the metal panel siding it is today. The new buildings will have a combination of brick and metal panel materials to reflect the changes that have occurred. 

FALL 2023- 


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